Electric buses saves more than 1 crore Rupees earlier spent on diesel.

By Rajesh
The Divisional Manager of HRTC Division Dharamshala Pankaj Chadda.
The Divisional Manager of HRTC Division Dharamshala Pankaj Chadda.

By operating 15 electric buses for one year under Dharamshala Depot of District Kangra, the Corporation has recorded an increase in income per kilometre. In a year, there has been an income of Rs 1.70 crore from these electric buses, which as compared to diesel buses is Rs 1.74 more per kilometer. 

The Divisional Manager of HRTC Division Dharamshala Pankaj Chadda told the media on Tuesday that, on 26th May 2023 15 electric buses were introduced by the Corporation. In a year they completed a journey of 6 lakh 35 thousand kilometres, while there were breakdowns during this period but it was not a large number, in all there were 21 breakdown incidents. Income per kilometer from these buses was Rs. 26.83.

He further added that, income per kilometer from these buses was Rs. 26.83, which when compared to diesel buses that used to ply on the same route is Rs 1.74 more, diesel buses per kilometer earning stood at Rs. 25.90.

On savings from these buses, he said that, per kilometer cost of running these buses was Rs. 5.43 while per kilometer cost of diesel buses was Rs. 23.66. With this the Corporation made a saving of staggering Rs 18.23 per kilometer. By running electric buses there was saving of 1 crore 15 lakhs rupees on diesel.