About Us

Small introduction, we are small tech, opposite of big tech, in every aspect. A name you can Trust.

We are a small group of passionate folks, inclusive to ideas from different religions, colours or orientations; striving hard against the nexus and groupies of Big Tech at every strata of our society. We are devoted in bringing internet to the world the way it was supposed to be, not as deemed by few super rich to leech on. Its about individuality and true freedom of speech. The surveillance capitalism is cancer of our modern society and proved time and time by Big Tech it is deleterious to democracy and freedom.

Honestly we don't know where our endeavour would lead us but we are determined to shout it aloud NO, enough is enough; we will stand and prevail against these testing times.

Aliyesha is a venture which is self funded; we do not have rich masters to dance to their tunes, we stand tall.

Hoping, people would understand what we are fighting for and what Aliyesha symbolizes, fight we are putting not is not only for current generation but generations to follow. Something out there is definitely wrong, it needs a change, do not just sit there, have courage, fight for it.

Jai Hind!

Inquilab Zindabad!

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना, अब हमारे दिल में है।
देखना है ज़ोर कितना, बाज़ु-ए-कातिल में है?

سرفروشی کی تمنا اب ہمارے دل میں ہے
دیکھنا ہے زور کتنا بازوئے قاتل میں ہے

The desire for revolution is in our hearts
Let us see what strength there is in the arms of our executioner

बिस्मिल अज़ीमाबादी