Samrat Chaudhary planted saplings under 'One Tree in Mother's Name' campaign.

By Alok Sharma
Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Samrat Choudhary watering a sapling under the nationwide campaign "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam".
Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Samrat Choudhary watering a sapling under the nationwide campaign "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam".

BJP State President and Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Samrat Choudhary today planted saplings at 11 M, Strand Road under the 'Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam' campaign amid light rain in Patna. He also appealed to the common people and workers to plant trees.

On this occasion, BJP President Samrat Chaudhary said that under the nationwide campaign "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam" started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tree plantation drive is being carried out across the country. There is also an appeal to the people and workers of the state to plant a sapling in the name of their mother and dedicate it to the country. He urged that we all should collectively plant trees and strengthen the movement of nature conservation.

He said that we will not only get shade from the tree but will also get fruits. This will also contribute to the country's prosperity and environmental balance. He said that this campaign, which started from June 23, will continue till July 6 and under this, plethora of saplings will be planted in the state.

Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Chaudhary also promised that he would also take care of the saplings planted by him. Furthermore he asserted that trees are life. Life cannot be imagined without trees and plants. If there were no trees and plants, we all would not be able to breathe. Therefore, for a better life we all should take a pledge to plant and save trees.