Dr Dinanath Sharan Memorial Room inaugurated in literary conference.

By Alok Sharma
Inauguration ceremony of Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan.
Inauguration ceremony of Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan.

Former Governor of Sikkim, Ganga Prasad inaugurated the newly constructed 'Dr Dinanath Sharan Memorial Room' in the library of Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan. In this function organised on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sharan, Shri Prasad honours were bestowed upon litterateurs who did exemplary work in the field Hindi literature. 

The famous poet Shubhchandra Sinha was honoured with this year's 'Dr. Deenanath Smriti Samman' while this year's 'Shailaja Mala Smriti Samman' was given to the learned poetess Yashoda Sharma. As a mark of respect, along with the attire and citation, Mr. Sinha was given a prize money of eleven thousand rupees and Mrs. Sharma was given a prize money of five thousand rupees. 

In his speech on this occasion, the former Governor said that Sharan ji, who was a professor in Guru Gobind Singh College of Patna City, is known for his great service towards Hindi language, he served Hindi like an ascetic. For his valuable services to Hindi, Sahitya Sammelan has given him due respect by dedicating a room in its library.

In his presidential address, Conference President Dr. Anil Sulabh said that Dr. Sharan was one of the few wise Hindi litterateurs who, away from the desire for fame, continued to serve literature and journalism throughout his life.

Program head of Doordarshan, Bihar, Dr. Raj Kumar Nahar, Vice President of the conference, Dr. Shankar Prasad, Dr. Madhu Verma, Dr. Dhruv Kumar, Vibharani Srivastava, Dr. Sharan's family members Pramod Kumar Sinha and Sushma Verma and others also expressed their views.